
Why volunteer?
It’s morally good, socially valuable and it contributes to personal well-being.
It’s a chance to discover a country in a unique way, and actively participate in a local culture.
You’ll develop skills and competences that have a positive impact on the world, i.e. you’ll become a responsible global citizen.
It’s a good way to let your potential employer know that you have participated in extracurricular activities, and you care about your own and others' development.
What qualities should I have as a volunteer for Intercambio?
Open minded: you are going to work with people from different backgrounds, so it’s important to be open to new people and new ways of doing things.
Languages: a basic level of English is required, a basic level of the local language can be useful. If you don’t know the local language at the time of applying, don't panic, we can organize language classes before your departure.
Competences: skills depending on the type of volunteering work you are applying for (e.g. communication skills if you are going to teach). We can also organize a crash course related to the field (e.g. TEFL course to teach English) before you leave.
Why volunteer with Intercambio?
We are an inclusive organization run by a team of volunteers whose members have all been on the projects, took part in the different volunteering roles and speak the language of the countries in which the projects are taking place.
We are in close contact with the social leaders of the projects and the target group for the voluntary work.
We offer affordable volunteering experiences, and we are transparent about where the money goes.
We are an organization that listens to the desires of all the actors during the process of exchange. In our association everybody has a say: both the volunteer, the supervisors, the hosting association and the teenagers.