French coordinator
Who am I ?
My name is Maryam, I am a 29 years old French woman. I come from a mixed family, as my mother is from a french Caribbean island and my father is Tunisian. I'm a very curious person, I like to discover and learn, and above anything, understand how things work ! This led me to study science and work as an electronic engineer, but also got me into anthropology, as I am fascinated in trying to understand people’s traditions, culture, behaviour, through human history and all over the world.
What’s my role within Intercambio?
In Intercambio, I step in to help with the communication toward our French-speaking community. Thus, as a French citizen and a person used to volunteering, I intervene on developing the visibility of the association in the French speaking scene, and I'm responsible for the communication with our French-speaking members and donors. For example, building and actualizing the French version of Intercambio’s website, is part of this work. Furthermore, I help in monitoring the French-speaking volunteers, as I know that, when you are totally immersed into another country, it can sometimes help and bring center, to refer and talk to someone that shares the same language and culture.
What’s my personal experience with volunteering?
Due to my family background, I have been sensitive to inequalities and migrations since my young age. Among all ways of helping and contributing, I am very much attracted to education and cultural exchange, as I believe that it is the best way to open the mind, bring more understanding toward each other, and create new opportunities. And that is what brought me to volunteer. In my country, I helped several years in “Samu Social”, an association dedicated to homeless people, and focusing on social ties and urgent needs. During my travels, I had the opportunity to teach English in a village in the Himalayas, and in another one in Benin, to take care of refugees’ children in Germany. I occupied different posts in hostels in Bulgaria, Turkey, Spain, Colombia. All those experiences taught me a lot and just encouraged me to go forward. That is why I got involved with the project of Intercambio. I strongly believe that cultural exchange creates more opportunities and acceptance towards each other.