Halloween in Juan 23

Alexander Deceuninck
Nov 1, 2023
First time Halloween costume party
Hi everyone!!!
Wauuuuw!!! Halloween was such a blast!
Thanks to some of the sponsors, Sembrando Paz y Esperanza our partner organization was able to get some costumes and candy for the children so they could experience an amazing Halloween party.
Our full volunteering team (Kell, Brett, Lali, Nathan and William) was presented, one person a bit more scary than the other. Including Alejandra, the local Colombian teacher who is working with us since the beginning of October.
The choice to work with Alejandra can be explained in our objective to work more professionally.
For our students it's good to have a person that is there all year around, somebody that very much understands the Colombian culture, the challenge of motivating the students, the perks of being a creative teacher,....
For our volunteers it's good to have somebody that can guide them in the process of teaching and them discovering the Colombian and Paisa culture.
We've seen both groups improving and are happy with the new direction we are going in.
Paso a paso salimos adelante!
Team Intercambio