Summary November

Alexander Deceuninck
Dec 3, 2022
Back in Medellín after three years! I experienced a warm welcome, I almost forgot how nice Paisa people are. Lots of hugs, laughing and of course English classes!
Hi people,
Because all of you are probably curious about how's it going here, hereby a short summary of November.
So I arrived three weeks ago in the lovely city of Medellin. It's the rainy season here right now which means every day a couple of showers and temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees.
After three years finally I headed back to the project where everything began for me. It was amazing to see how everyone is doing right now: the kids, Andres, Yenny,... It was also nice to look out for any other familiar faces, see if the neighborhood changed a lot, how the cancha (football field) was doing?
Currently I'm taking over the English classes until the first volunteer of Intercambio will arrive. Furthermore I'm searching for a room/apartment for the first volunteer(s) to stay, which isn’t easy because it needs to be a good location and can’t be that pricey.
I’m also preparing the trips for the volunteers, discussing the plans for the future hostel in comuna trece, establishing a network,... and enjoying life of course. Lots of things to do and I'm really excited!