Goodbye Alexandra

Team Intercambio
Sep 4, 2023
Alexandra is leaving us
Hi friends,
One day after the festival we received bad news.
Alexandra, who started volunteering for Intercambio in June is leaving us and going back to the States for family reasons.
In the beginning a bit shy and hesitating. But step by step she found her way, practising her teaching skills en connecting to the children, especially to the younger kids.
The moment she told them the bad news it became clear that she really became a trust person for them.
Also for herself it was a very meaningful experience: discovering her roots, practising her Colombian Spanish, spending time with her Colombian family,...
That's also the objective of the Intercambio with organizing these exchanges, everyone needs to benefit from the experience.
Hopefully we'll see her back soon, if not in Colombia then in another part of the world
Thank you Alexandra
Team Intercambio